The Pervasive Computing Research Group (p-comp)
The p-comp research group is concerned on various aspects of pervasive computing, thus adopting a holistic approach. It’s main research activities include:
Wireless sensor network middleware technologies. “Sensation” Platform will enable the execution of different applications over multiple underlying sensor networks. At the present time, the platform is being developed.
Information management for wireless sensor networks (fault management, data aggregation, etc)
Middleware technologies for context-aware and location-based services
Management and processing of context information
Context-aware user interfaces
Ontology and Semantic Web technologies for knowledge bases and “smart” services
Infrastructure deployment (wireless local area networks, wireless sensor networks)
Pervasive telemedicine application development
Trust-based security models for autonomous networks
Theoretical models (e.g., game theoretic models) for various resource allocation problems in pervasive computing
Pervasive Computing
According to M. Weiser, considered today the father of pervasive computing, the most profound technologies are those that are invisible. They are so involved in the everyday life that cannot be distinguished from it. The real meaning of the ubiquitous, or pervasive, computing vision is the creation of smart environments, saturated with computing and communication capabilities, however elegantly integrated with human users. Since the early 90’s when this dream was articulated, it is today that we can expect it is possible to come true, owing to the advent of new technologies
The Communication Networks Laboratory
The Communication Networks Laboratory (CNL) was founded in 1994 as a research unit of the Telecommunications and Signal Processing division of the Department. CNL has been actively involved in a number of international projects - funded mainly by the European Commission. CNL has established close relationships with a number of organizations, including academic and research institutions, telecommunication operators and large manufacturing houses at the European and national levels. CNL's research is reflected in numerous publications in archival journals and conference proceedings - more than 120 publications since 1998.
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications
The Department of Informatics and Telecommunications was founded in 1989 and is part of the School of Applied Sciences. It consists of three divisions: Computer Science; Computer Systems and Applications; Telecommunications and Signal Processing. The Department has about 38 faculty members and over 200 M.Sc. and Ph.D. students. The M.Sc. programme offers four areas of specialization: High Performance Algorithms, Advanced Information Systems, Communication Systems and Networks, and, Signal Processing and Computer Systems.
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
The University of Athens started operations on May 1837 somewhere on the north East Side of the Acropolis. It was the first University not only in the newly established Greek State but also in all the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean in general. The "Othonian University", as it was called before taking its present name, "National and Kapodistrian University of Athens", consisted of four Faculties, Theology, Law, Medicine and Arts (which included applied sciences and mathematics). A major change in the structure of the University came about in 1904, when the Faculty of Arts was split into two separate Faculties: Arts and Sciences, the latter consisting of the departments of Physics and Mathematics and the School of Pharmacy. Presently, the University has five Schools and a total of twenty-nine Departments located in four campuses near the center of Athens. Full-time undergraduate enrollment exceeds 35,000 students. The University's graduate programs enroll about 4,000 graduate students. Full-time faculty is 2282 and the total teaching, research and administrative staff is about 4,000 members.